BCI-Base, BCI-Minimal, BCI-Micro, and BCI-BusyBox
SUSE offers several general-purpose SLE Base Container Images that are intended as deployment targets or as foundations for creating customized images: BCI-Base, BCI-Minimal, BCI-Micro, and BCI-BusyBox. These images share the common SLES base, and none of them ship with a specific language or an application stack. All images feature the RPM database (even if the specific image does not include the RPM package manager) that can be used to verify the provenance of every file in the image. Each image includes the SLES certificate bundle, which allows the deployed applications to use the system’s certificates to verify TLS connections.
Quick overview
The table below provides a quick overview of the differences between BCI-Base, BCI-Minimal, BCI-Micro, and BCI-BusyBox.
BCI-Base and BCI-Init: When you need flexibility
This SLE BCI comes with the Zypper package manager and a free SLE-BCI repository. This allows you to install software available in the repository and customize the image during the build. The downside is the size of the image. It is the largest of the general-purpose SLE BCIs, so it is not always the best choice for a deployment image.
A variant of BCI-Base called BCI-Init comes with systemd preinstalled. The BCI-Init container image can be useful in scenarios requiring systemd for managing services in a single container.
BCI-Minimal: When you do not need Zypper
This is a stripped-down version of the BCI-Base image. BCI-Minimal comes without Zypper, but it does have the RPM package manager installed. This significantly reduces the size of the image. However, while RPM can install and remove packages, it lacks support for repositories and automated dependency resolution. The BCI-Minimal image is therefore intended for creating deployment containers, and then installing the desired RPM packages inside the containers. Although you can install the required dependencies, you need to download and resolve them manually. However, this approach is not recommended as it is prone to errors.
BCI-Micro: When you need to deploy static binaries
This image is similar to BCI-Minimal but without the RPM package manager. The primary use case for the image is deploying static binaries produced externally or during multi-stage builds. As there is no straightforward way to install additional dependencies inside the container image, we recommend deploying a project using the BCI-Micro image only when the final build artifact bundles all dependencies and has no external runtime requirements (like Python or Ruby).
BCI-BusyBox: When you need the smallest and GPLv3-free image
Similar to BCI-Micro, the BCI-BusyBox image comes with the most basic tools only. However, these tools are provided by the BusyBox project. This has the benefit of further size reduction. Furthermore, the image contains no GPLv3 licensed software. When using the image, keep in mind that there are certain differences between the BusyBox tools and the GNU Coreutils. So scripts written for a system that uses GNU Coreutils may require modification to work with BusyBox.
Approximate sizes
For your reference, the list below provides an approximate size of each SLE BCI. Keep in mind that the provided numbers are rough estimations.
BCI-Base ~94 MB
BCI-Minimal ~42 MB
BCI-Micro ~26 MB
BCI-BusyBox ~14 MB